The Most Infuriating Moment From "Game Of Thrones"?
The Most Infuriating Moment From "Game Of Thrones"?
Howdy. game Of Thrones is a phenomenal show, and it's practically impeccable — however there are a few minutes in it that most likely made your head spin with rage.
Perhaps it was a progression blunder, as Melisandre not wearing her accessory in the shower but rather staying youthful. Y'ALL THINK WE WEREN'T GONNA NOTICE?
Perhaps it was just something unnecessary, like Rickon reappearing after being gone for FOREVER, only to be friggin' murdered right before our eyes.
Maybe it was simply something superfluous, as Rickon returning in the wake of being away for
FOREVER, just to be mother truckin' killed just before our eyes.
FOREVER, just to be mother truckin' killed just before our eyes.
Despite the fact that the show is mind blowing, there are such a large number of irritating minutes. Things being what they are, let us know, which Game Of Thrones minute irritated you most and why? Demonstrate particular minutes just, please!
The Most Infuriating Moment From "Game Of Thrones"?
Reviewed by finnishit
May 17, 2017
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